Welcome to the AYS family for the 2024-2025 school year! We welcome you with open arms on a journey of discovery, learning, and fun to propel your family forward. At AYS, we’re more than just a safe haven beyond school hours; we’re a vibrant community dedicated to enriching young lives through engaging educational activities that extend learning with care and consideration.
This school year, we’re excited to dive into a world filled with health, literacy, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and social enrichment. We are tailoring each program to complement and enhance your child’s educational experience based on the Indiana Afterschool Standards. Our dedicated team is constantly growing and improving with training. We eagerly connect with you to celebrate successes, explore areas for growth, and consider any special needs your child might have. We are committed to serving all children, and that would not be possible without generous donations to our Financial Assistance Fund.
We can’t do all of this without all of you. We look forward to your involvement and feedback, whether through participation in our activities or sharing your thoughts in our quarterly surveys.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Create an accessible, reliable, enriching community where every child and family thrive beyond the school day.
To empower every family to achieve their full potential.
AYS FEELS like home.
Fun is at the core of everything we do
Empowerment for children and families
Ease for families with busy schedules
Listening to children and families to better adapt our programs
Safety, not just physically but emotionally
All AYS before and after school locations for the 2024-2025 school year can be found at www.ayskids.org/after-school-2025/locations/.
AYS is open on all regular school days and early release days. AYS is closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
All AYS locations meet Indiana Afterschool Network quality program standards. We adhere to the National Afterschool Association Code of Ethics. All AYS staff members are first-aid certified and pass thorough background checks. Our part-time program staff members receive at least 20 hours of professional development every school year, and Youth Development Leaders complete up to 40 hours. Most importantly, AYS is a safe place, right “At Your School”. There’s time for homework, playing outdoors or in the gym, academic enrichment, social enrichment, and a healthy snack. We believe in children having fun, making choices, and learning together.
While all AYS programs focus on health, literacy, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and Social Enrichment, not all programs implement the same activities. Our goal is to develop activity plans that complement each of the school communities we serve. Examples of what parents might see include free play, cooking clubs and fitness tracking to foster healthy habits; independent reading lounges, or letter writing activities to support literacy; construction projects, science experiments and musical exercises encouraging STEM skills. Parents may also notice activities such as cooperative games, youth leadership opportunities or philanthropy and community service projects, which support SEL.
Morning programs open at 7:00am and run until school begins. Offerings rotate and may include academic stations, free play, art activities, reading, or group activities.
Afternoon programs start when school is dismissed and close at 6:00pm. Snack, homework time, group enrichment, outdoor or gym free play or organized group activities, and a rotation of special games, staff-led activities, and stations are offered. Please refer to daily and weekly schedules posted at your child’s program site for details.
AYS serves nutritious snacks, and children are encouraged to try new foods. A snack menu is posted at your child’s program site.
Children with food allergies must have a completed Plan of Care form (and doctor’s note if possible) on file with AYS. Staff members will work with parents to provide a suitable snack substitution when necessary.
Some AYS programs partner with the Indiana Department of Education and offer healthy meals to all enrolled children as part of our participation in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP provides reimbursements for healthy meals and snacks served to children enrolled in childcare. For more information visit www.ayskids.org/cacfp.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Homework time is offered Monday through Thursday afternoons for 20-30 minutes. Children are responsible for working on school assignments independently or can ask for assistance from the AYS staff. AYS staff members do not provide tutoring or additional homework services. For children without homework assignments, a variety of reading materials or quiet academic-focused activities/stations are available.
Please note: children are not allowed to return to classrooms after school is dismissed for any reason.
Outdoor or gym free play or an organized group activity is offered during the afternoon program. Our morning programs try to incorporate time in these spaces, but that is dependent on participant interest.
AYS programs have a variety of toys, games, and supplies. Please share any suggestions you may have for additional equipment or materials with your Youth Development Leader or info@ayskids.org.
Each school and AYS program may have unique rules regarding types of personal items allowed within the school building. AYS families should follow guidelines set by the school as well as the AYS Youth Development Leader. AYS is not responsible for loss or destruction of personal items, including but not limited to cell phones, other electronic devices, books, games, and all other personal items.
AYS is not responsible for covering any costs incurred due to the misuse of personal items. AYS recommends that all children leave valuables at home. If a special circumstance makes it necessary for a child to bring personal items to AYS, please make arrangements with your Youth Development Leader.
If your child has a special need or circumstance or requires additional assistance or accommodation, that information must be communicated and included with your enrollment application. AYS may require a parent meeting prior to your child attending the program to review the information and develop the best plan for your child. AYS may engage with its special needs consultant for assistance in developing this plan. If you have questions please call our administrative office at 317-283-3817.
Listed below is the set of characteristics, known as “The AYS Way”, that each AYS student should demonstrate. These characteristics will help children develop a positive identity, more awareness, and more self-control. The AYS Way is made up of the following characteristics:
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from
discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
Email: program.intake@usda.gov
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
AYS out-of-school time programs are designed for elementary school children who attend school in the district where AYS is offered. Enrollment in AYS is required for each school year. Click here to enroll today!
1. Complete online enrollment including child and parent information, emergency and authorized pick-up contacts, and signed enrollment terms agreement
2. Immunization record for each child
3. Plan of Care and/or Medication Consent forms for each child (if applicable)
4. Non-refundable enrollment fee per child
All children must be re-enrolled for each school year. All families are encouraged to enroll early and save on enrollment fees during promotional periods.
Emergency Contacts & Authorized Pick-Up
Emergency contacts, as well as persons authorized to pick your child up from the program, must be at least 18 years of age and have a photo ID ready to present. Please provide the names, relationship to the child, and phone numbers for these individuals when you enroll your child. You may change, add, or delete contacts through the online parent portal. If you believe you have an extenuating circumstance and are not able to meet the age requirement, please talk with your Youth Development Leader. A waiver may be available for older siblings in some circumstances.
AYS requires immunization records for all children in our programs. The purpose is to prevent the spread of vaccine-preventable communicable diseases. These records will be kept in confidence. AYS must have a copy of any parental objection for religious reasons or a physician’s objection for medical reasons.
Medication Consent Forms
Parents must provide any applicable Medication Consent and/or Non-Prescription Medication Consent forms with their enrollment application. If your child must take any prescription medication during AYS program hours, parents must complete a Prescription Medication Consent form, which includes written instructions, dosage information, potential side effects for AYS to monitor, and a doctor’s signature. The medication must be provided in its original prescription bottle with the child’s name, dosage, prescribing doctor, written instructions, and expiration information. If non-prescription medication is to be administered during AYS, a Non-Prescription Medication Consent form must be completed. Medications cannot be sent with the child.
Plan of Care
If your child(ren) has health conditions and/or special needs, please provide details with your enrollment request. AYS may require a parent meeting to follow up on the information.
Updating Information
Parents are asked to keep contact information current through the online parent portal. This includes updating mailing address, email, phone, emergency contacts, or changes to individuals authorized to pick up children from AYS as soon as they are known.
This weekly tuition plans cover children who attend AYS the majority of the school week. A minimum one-week notice is required to change schedules or withdraw. Weekly tuition payments are due no later than Friday for the upcoming week, and tuition is due regardless of your child’s attendance. Credits are not available for absences.
AYS offers the opportunity to register children for break camps to families who live in school districts where AYS break camps are held. Registration application must be submitted through the parent portal at least one week in advance. Register early to receive a promotional discount.
Parents may request to change their child’s schedule and corresponding weekly tuition plan online through the parent portal. A minimum one-week notice is required. After September 30, a $15 change fee will be applied for each schedule change.
A minimum one-week notice is required to withdraw your child from AYS. Parent may submit their child’s withdrawal through the parent portal. There is no fee to withdraw; however, you forfeit your child’s place in the program. In some special circumstances AYS may approve to temporarily withdraw your child and hold the spot if the return date is known and there is no waiting list for the program.
Break Camps
Some AYS programs host Fall, Winter, and Spring Break camps in select locations. Advance registration for each break is required and can be completed online at https://ayskids.ce.eleyo.com/account. For children not already enrolled in AYS for the 2024- 2025 school year, a registration fee per child is required. AYS reserves the right to cancel a break program if minimum enrollment is not met. Stay tuned to our website for break camp pricing.
No School Days Camps
Some AYS programs host full-day camps in select districts, for days that school is not in session for e-learning, professional development, Parents In Touch days, etc. These camps are designed to help students with homework assignments and provide them with fun and engaging projects and activities when school is out. Schedules vary, so be sure to check with your AYS Youth Development Leader to find out if your school district participates in these camps. No School Days Camps are not included in weekly tuition. There is an additional fee for this service. Only families currently enrolled in an AYS program are eligible to register.
Advance registration is required. AYS reserves the right to cancel a program if minimum enrollment is not met.
All AYS programs are closed in observance of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day*, Presidents’ Day*, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
*AYS will be open if school is in session to make up for a snow day.
Snow Day/School Delays/Emergency Closure
AYS snow day, delays, and emergency closure practices vary by school district. Please check with your Youth Development Leader for detailed information specific to your school location. AYS will inform currently enrolled families of any delays or cancellations via email and/or text message. Visit www.ayskids.org/closings-delays for more information.
Confidential Information Disclosure
AYS does not sell or rent customer information to any company. As a matter of standard practice, AYS will not release confidential information or allow access to that information without prior written, signed, and dated consent that specifies the information to be disclosed, the party to whom the records are to be disclosed, and the purpose of the disclosure. However, there are times when AYS may disclose at AYS’ discretion confidential information without consent if the disclosure meets one or more of the following conditions:
AYS Official AYS staff members may disclose confidential information to other AYS staff members whom they have determined to have a legitimate interest in the information.
Educational Institutions AYS may disclose confidential information upon request to the school, school system, or other applicable institutions so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the child’s education, safety, and/or well-being.
Health or Safety Emergency If AYS determines there is a significant threat to the health or safety of a child or other applicable individual, AYS may disclose confidential information if disclosure of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the child or other applicable individual.
Federal, State, and Local Officials To comply with federal and state agency audits, evaluations, and other legal requirements, AYS may disclose confidential information to authorized representatives of those agencies.
State and Local Juvenile Justice Officials AYS may disclose information to whom the information is specially allowed to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute or other law.
Court Order or Subpoena AYS may disclose confidential information to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena. In most cases, AYS will make reasonable efforts to notify the parent of the order or subpoena.
Lawsuit AYS may disclose confidential information in the context of a lawsuit that the child or parent brought against AYS or that AYS brought against the parent or child.
Accrediting Agencies AYS may disclose confidential information to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
Media Release
AYS uses and releases photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings (collectively media) taken or recorded at its programs and events for educational, instructional, and promotional purposes as determined by AYS. These items are for AYS use in broadcast and media formats now existing or created in the future. These media often include depictions of AYS children and/or parents engaged in instruction, activities, or other functions. Any such media is the sole property of AYS and may be used or disclosed by AYS for any purpose without express written consent. To withhold your consent for the disclosure of your and/or your child’s media, you must notify AYS in writing during the enrollment process. If you wish to withhold your consent for the disclosure of media of your child after registration is complete, please notify AYS in writing by sending a letter or email (from the account owner’s email) to the AYS registrar at registrar@ayskids.org. Please note that AYS will not be responsible for and cannot control media captured by individuals who are not employed by, affiliated with, or under contract with AYS. AYS will not identify children by last name in its use of media.
Tuition is based on the school calendar and is due regardless of your child’s attendance. Credits are not available for absences. Regular weekly tuition plans include all days that school is in session. Weekly tuition does not include breaks or non-school day programs. Tuition is due no later than Friday for the upcoming week. Please see the parent portal or your school’s location page, available on our website, for specific weekly tuition rates. A minimum one-week notice is required for any change of plan or withdrawal.
Annual Enrollment Fee – $35 per child (non-refundable)
AYS offers the following billing options:
A single payer account is maintained by AYS. Custodial parents with shared payment obligation arrangements may request an exception in writing to AYS. Overpayment will result in an account credit. Account credits will be held for one additional semester. After that time, the credit will be forfeited.
AYS offers three tuition payment options:
1. Automatic deduction from a bank account or credit card. You may set up automatic payments through the parent portal.
2. Online through the parent portal.
3. Check or money order. We are unable to take payments at the program locations. If you wish to pay via check or money order, please contact the business office at registrar@ayskids.org to make arrangements.
Returned checks and declined bank/credit card transactions will result in a $25 charge. After two returned payment charges, other payment arrangements will be required.
Full weekly tuition is due no later than Friday for the upcoming week and is due regardless of your child’s attendance. There are no credits for absences. Late payments will result in a $10 late fee. Each week that an account is not current will result in an additional $10 late fee.
After an account has been assessed 2 late payment fees, enrollment into auto pay will be required. Repeated late payments or failure to enroll into auto-pay will result in the forfeiture of your child’s participation in AYS and the account being referred to a collections agency.
Please be aware that if your account is referred to a collection agency, you will be required to pay the outstanding balance and the collection agency fee before your child can be re-enrolled.
If your family has an emergency that may affect prompt payment, please contact AYS at 317- 283-3817 or registrar@ayskids.org. Financial assistance or special payment arrangements may be available. Late payment fees are not covered by CCDF vouchers or discounted by any financial assistance program.
AYS closes at 6:00pm. Anyone arriving after 6:00pm, per the AYS clock, will be charged a late pick-up fee. Within the first five minutes, an automatic flat $10 late fee is charged. After five minutes, an additional $1 per minute fee is charged.
Example 1: If a child is picked up two minutes late, it is a flat $10 late fee.
Example 2: If a parent/guardian arrives at 6:12pm, the charge is $10 for the first five minutes, and $7 for the additional seven minutes. The total late fee charge would be $17.
Late pick-up fees will be added to parents’ billing statements and are due with the next regularly scheduled payment. Repeated failure to pick up children in a timely manner will result in forfeiture of your child’s participation in AYS. If you have an emergency and will be late to pick up your child from AYS, call your Youth Development Leader as soon as possible.
Late pick-up fees are not covered by CCDF vouchers or reduced by any financial assistance program or discount.
Please see the 2024-2025 School Year page for promotional details.
Limit one discount per family. If you qualify for more than one, the best offer will apply.
Multi-Child Discount
Families with three or more children enrolled in AYS will receive an automatic 15% discount per child.
Full Semester Payment
AYS offers a 15% discount to parents who pay tuition in full for the entire semester. Payment must be received prior to the start of the fall or spring semester. Please contact 317-283- 3817 or registrar@ayskids.org for more information.
Military Personnel
AYS offers a 15% discount for direct dependents of current military service members. To receive this discount, please indicate your military affiliation with enrollment. AYS defines a direct dependent as a child living in the household of the service member or a child for whom a military service member is listed as the primary or secondary payer on the AYS account.
Partner School Personnel
AYS offers a discount for direct dependents of current partner school personnel. To receive this discount, please indicate your school affiliation with enrollment. AYS defines a direct dependent as a child living in the household of the partner school personnel or a child for whom partner school personnel is listed as the primary or secondary payer on the AYS account. Please contact the AYS registrar at 317-283-3817 or registrar@ayskids.org for your discount amount.
CCDF Vouchers
AYS accepts CCDF vouchers and recommends that families who meet the CCDF guidelines apply. Information about CCDF eligibility and the application process can be found at https://earlyedconnect.fssa.in.gov/onlineApp/home. Please note, regular tuition payments are due until CCDF approval is received.
Important CCDF requirements: To obtain your CCDF voucher payment for tuition, your child must not exceed 45 absences per enrollment year. Once your child has exceeded 45 absences, you will be required to cover your tuition. Your child may stay in the program as long as you make payments. However, if a payment is missed, your account may be referred to a collection agency and your child may be withdrawn from the program. Please be aware that if your account is referred to a collection agency, you will be required to pay the outstanding balance and the collection agency fee before your child can be re-enrolled.
Caregivers can view their child’s absences in the Access Indiana parent portal:
AYS Financial Assistance
AYS offers limited financial assistance through the Ellen Clippinger Fund on a first come, first served basis. Families are required to apply for CCDF and either be wait listed or denied before they are eligible to apply for AYS financial assistance. Please contact our financial assistance coordinator for more information at registrar@ayskids.org or 317-283-3817. Please note, regular tuition payments are due until a financial assistance award decision is made.
Regular billing statements contain AYS’ Tax ID# 31-0989270. Tax statements can be accessed via your online account at https://ayskids.ce.eleyo.com/account. Please note, AYS will not release payment information to any person other than the account holder.
AYS offers bereavement credit to families of full-time students after the loss of an immediate family member (mother, father, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle – as described by relationship to the child). An eligible family may be credited up to three days of tuition. The family will need to contact the Registrar as soon as they are aware their student will be absent so the Youth Development Leader of the program can be informed and the account can be credited.
AYS works with and follows all local, state, and CDC guidelines for program safety. During the COVID-19 pandemic, AYS reviews and updates its individual site safety plans on a regular basis. Please speak directly with your Youth Development Leader for information about AYS safety and our plans to keep students safe.
AYS requires that all parents communicate their child’s AYS schedule and participation information with the appropriate school personnel. The school releases children to AYS’ supervision at the end of the school day, so it is vitally important that parents, the school, and the AYS Youth Development Leader understand each child’s schedule. Parents should provide written notice to the school office and the child’s school day teacher.
To ensure the safety of all children, AYS requires that every child is signed in and signed out by a parent or another authorized adult each day. Children cannot be dropped off on school grounds and may not sign themselves into the program. Only persons authorized in advance may pick up a child from AYS. In the event of a custody situation, you must provide court documents showing proof of legal restrictions. Only individuals 18 years or older may be listed as authorized pick-ups. Photo ID is required until staff become familiar with faces. ID will be required if there is someone picking up that staff or substitute staff do not recognize.
The AYS Youth Development Leader releases children for the start of the school day, and signs children into the program when school dismisses.
In the case of an emergency where no previously authorized individuals are available to pick up the child, the parent/guardian may contact the Youth Development Leader in advance by telephone to make special arrangements. A verification will also need to be faxed or emailed.
The new authorized individual must show picture ID to sign the child out.
Accidents, injuries, and other significant occurrences may occur while your child is under AYS supervision. AYS strives to prevent these situations, but even with substantial preventative efforts taken, these events may still occur. AYS staff will notify parents if such situations occur.
In the event of a medical emergency, AYS staff will contact emergency medical services and the parent(s) of the child. If a parent or designated substitute cannot be immediately reached, AYS will reach out to each emergency contact(s) listed until someone has been notified.
AYS strives to enhance the social development of each child we serve. All AYS staff and volunteers endeavor to develop positive relationships with children based on mutual trust, honesty, and respect. AYS staff and volunteers appreciate and support the uniqueness of each child and will interact with children in a positive manner including: helping them feel welcome, comfortable, and supported; engaging them; recognizing their positive accomplishments; listening to what they say; responding to them with interest, acceptance, and appreciation; sharing skills and resources to help children solve problems; involving children in programming decisions; using positive language; and encouraging children to take on leadership roles.
AYS program policy prohibits negative approaches to child engagement, such as: corporal punishment; aversive stimuli; withholding nutrition or hydration; inflicting physical or psychological pain; demeaning, shaming, or degrading language or activities; unnecessarily punitive restrictions; forced physical exercise to eliminate behaviors; punitive work assignments; punishment by peers; and group punishment for individual behavior.
If a child’s behavior requires discipline, AYS staff will handle the inappropriate behavior by redirecting the child to another activity, guiding them through conflict resolution, allowing space and time, and communicating with them in a way that allows them to identify feelings and develop an understanding and respect for the feelings of others. AYS staff will discuss the behavior problem with the parent(s) and complete a report as needed. If the behavior continues, the Youth Development Leader will schedule a meeting to discuss strategies for improvement. If the behavior persists, the parent(s) will be notified of a suspension or permanent removal from the program. If at any time AYS determines that the safety of any
person or property is in question, AYS has the right to dismiss the child from the program immediately. If a child deliberately damages any property or equipment that AYS is responsible for, the child/parent will be responsible for the cost of replacement.
AYS believes that our programs are strengthened by greater parental involvement, and parents are encouraged to visit and participate in the program at any time during regular hours. AYS requires a parent to be present with any guests who visit their child and limits their interactions to only their child. While it may be tempting to correct or engage other children, AYS asks parents to notify AYS staff and allow them to address any concerns. AYS does not allow parents to discipline or question children who are not their own. This applies to AYS programs or activities on or off site. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in parental suspension or expulsion from the program.
AYS requires all individuals who wish to visit a program to work directly with their Youth Development Leader to determine a safe and appropriate way for such a visit to occur. If you have any questions or concerns about visits, please speak with your Youth Development Leader.
Transportation for field trips or special situations is arranged through local agencies or school buses from the school districts AYS serves. AYS will ensure that anyone driving is at least 18 years of age and holds a valid driver’s license and that the vehicle has the proper safety features and all other items as required by Indiana law. AYS staff will be responsible for the supervision of all children while they are being transported and will continue to follow all provider eligibility standards during the transportation process. Permission slips are required for all field trips and must be signed by an authorized parent/guardian prior to the child being transported. Parents may not drop off or pick up their child(ren) while AYS is on a field trip.
Any exception to this policy must be requested and approved in writing 48 hours prior to the scheduled field trip. In the event of an emergency requiring a child to be transported to another location, transportation will be arranged through the school district if possible or a transportation service. Any fees incurred in this service will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
AYS may coordinate with other local programs to provide off-site enrichment activities. Parents must complete and sign a Field Trip Permission slip before the child can participate. Parents will be notified of field trips in advance through communications from the Youth Development Leader. AYS may or may not be able to offer alternative activities for those children who are unable to participate in the field trip.
The following steps will be taken to ensure the safety of children in AYS’ care:
Age of Youngest Child in GroupMaximum Number of Children Supervised by One CaregiverMaximum Number of Children in One Group3 Years10204 Years12245 Years/Kindergarten15301st Grade and Above2040
AYS staff members are considered mandatory reporters for child abuse and/or neglect. AYS staff members will, if they have a reason to suspect a child is a victim of abuse and/or neglect, notify CPS by calling the CPS hotline at 1-800-800-5556. Parents may contact Family and Social Services Administration/Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning with any questions or concerns: 402 W. Washington Street, Room W-361, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-234-4056 or 1-877-511-1144 or www.in.gov/fssa/childcarefinder.
For the most up-to-date policies and procedures as they relate to child illness, please visit www.ayskids.org/safety.
AYS snow day, delays, and emergency closure practices vary by school district. Please check with your Youth Development Leader for detailed information specific to your school location. AYS will inform currently enrolled families of any delays or cancellations via email and/or text message. Visit www.ayskids.org/closings-delays for more information.
Emergency Situations
All AYS sites practice emergency drills, and AYS has implemented emergency procedures that include moving children to safe locations, checking attendance, notifying authorities, checking for injuries, and notifying parents. Evacuation procedures for persons with mobility
challenges are included in the site’s emergency plan. For specific details for each location, please see the Youth Development Leader. In the event of an emergency, please contact the Youth Development Leader via text or phone call at the designated cell phone number located on the locations page. If a parent is unable to contact the Youth Development Leader during the emergency, AYS provides a secondary number that should be called. If during an emergency a parent is unable to be reached, AYS will coordinate any necessary care with the authorities until the parent is contacted.
AYS wants to hear regularly from all the parents and children it serves. To assist in gathering feedback, AYS may conduct satisfaction surveys, self-assessments and participate in accreditation processes. Parents and children are asked to participate from time to time in these efforts. If you ever have any questions or suggestions for AYS programming, please feel free to speak directly with your AYS Youth Development Leader or contact the administrative office at 317-283-3817.
Parents may request a conference with their Youth Development Leader or a member of AYS’ administration as needed. AYS may request a parent conference to work with families and learn how to best serve their children. AYS asks that parents make themselves available within two business days of any request for a parent conference.
In the event of an urgent situation, AYS will reach out to parents via phone and/or text message with details. AYS will also send text messages regarding upcoming school/AYS program closures due to inclement weather, holidays, professional development days, e- learning days, teacher work days, etc. Please be sure you have an updated phone number on your account to receive these messages.
Please follow AYS on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for updates, news, and stories. Our E-News will keep parents informed of program happenings. The account holder email address provided during enrollment is added to our mailing list. Parents may unsubscribe at any time.
AYS strives to keep parents informed about policy changes. We may send emails and/or provide handouts at the program site to communicate any changes. Questions should be directed to your Youth Development Leader or you may call the AYS administrative office at 317-283-3817.
Do you know someone interested in volunteering at an AYS program? We welcome volunteers with special skills and interests who want to work in a positive environment where children prosper. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. A volunteer application, background check, drug screen, TB test and other requirements must be completed in advance. Please contact human resources at hr@ayskids.org or 317-283-3817 ext. 135 for more information.
AYS also welcomes volunteers who are interested in serving through the board of directors and special event committees. Please contact our executive assistant at 317-283-3817 ext. 146 for more information.
AYS, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. If you would like to make a donation, visit www.ayskids.org/donate. Thank you for helping us further our mission to enrich the learning and well-being of children in a safe, caring and fun environment outside of the school day!
4701 N Keystone Ave
Suite 475
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Office Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm