
Frequently Asked Questions

How does the waitlist work?


If the program you are trying to enroll in is on a waitlist, you may register for the waitlist by clicking the “Join the Waitlist” button under your school on the locations page. You will be notified by email when the waitlist is lifted, and asked if you would still like your registration processed. Spots are granted in the order answers to this inquiry are received.

The program was likely placed on a wait list due to significant demand, not enough space available, or staffing shortage, and may not be lifted unless we can obtain more program space or hire more staff. Therefore, we are unable to know when the wait list will be lifted. If you have any further questions, please contact us at 317-283-3817, ext. 123 or info@ayskids.org.

Weekly Payments


Payments are accepted online by credit card or bank account. We are unable to take payments at the program site. In special circumstances, we may accept money orders at our administrative office; however, arrangements for this must be in advance. Please contact us at registrar@ayskids.org for more information.

Is there an enrollment fee?


Yes. There is a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $35 per child due with your enrollment.

What information do I need to provide with my enrollment?


The enrollment form asks for basic information about your child (name, age, medical, etc.). You will also need to upload a copy of your child’s immunization records.

How do I change my AYS plan?


You may log in to your account to make changes to your child’s schedule or to withdraw them.

How do I find out in which schools AYS operates?


For a full list and map of all schools in which AYS operates, please consult the Locations page. More information about each program can be found by clicking on a specific school.

How do I contact my AYS Youth Development Leader?


You can easily locate program contact information via the Locations page. Simply click the dropdown button on your school for this information.

How do I access my tax statements?


Tax statements for your account are available on January 1 for the previous calendar year. For instructions on how to download your tax statements, click here.

Does AYS offer financial assistance?


Yes. AYS provides limited financial assistance on a first-come, first-served basis to families who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, and uses the FSSA Child Care Income Eligibility Determination & Fee Schedule to determine assistance eligibility. As you complete your child’s enrollment application, you will have the option to submit a financial assistance application.

Does AYS accept CCDF vouchers?


Yes. AYS accepts CCDF vouchers and recommends that families who meet the guidelines for CCDF vouchers, apply. Click here for information on the voucher application process.

How can I update my child’s schedule or withdraw from a program?


You can log in to your account to make changes to your child’s schedule or to withdraw them. For assistance, contact the AYS administrative office.

How can I make payments or view my balance?


Payments can be made online via credit card or bank account. Log in to your account to view your balance or make a payment. If you have questions about payments, contact registrar@ayskids.org.

What should I do if my child is going to be absent from the program?


Notify your site’s Youth Development Leader as soon as possible if your child will not be attending on a scheduled day.

What happens on weather-related school closures or delays?


Please review our Closings & Delays policy here.

What are the operating hours for AYS before and after school programs?


AYS program hours vary from school to school. For specific operating hours of our before and after school programs, please refer to our Locations page for more details.

What is the staff-to-child ratio in AYS programs?


Children will be actively supervised by qualified AYS staff at all times in accordance with the following Child/Staff Ratio Chart and other accreditation-based ratios as applicable but not greater than the numbers listed below:

  Age of Youngest Child in Group Maximum Number of Children Supervised by One CaregiverMaximum Number of Children in One Group
3 Years1020
4 Years1224
5 Years/Kindergarten1530
1st Grade and Above2040

What qualifications and training do AYS staff members have?


All AYS staff members pass through an extensive screening process, including a comprehensive criminal history check, checks against the national sex offender list, a drug screen, and a negative TB test. In addition, staff participate in New Employee Orientation, receive Child Abuse Prevention training, Safety and Risk Management training, CPR/First Aid, and other ongoing trainings in crucial areas to ensure that they are qualified to work with children.

How does AYS maintain child safety during emergency situations?


AYS is committed to providing a safe environment for children, and all staff receive comprehensive training to handle any situation that arises. AYS works cooperatively with the schools to ensure that AYS staff members have and follow the school’s approved evacuation methods in the event of fire, severe weather emergency, or other threats. AYS conducts regular drills to ensure all children are prepared for such emergencies. If/when these types of instances occur, AYS will maintain timely and thorough communication with families until the situation has concluded.

How does AYS integrate into our school’s operations?


AYS works closely with your school to customize programs that align with your schedule, facility usage, and community needs. We handle staffing, materials, and day-to-day program management to ensure a seamless integration.

What does it cost for a school to partner with AYS?


There are typically no direct costs to schools. AYS operates as a self-funded nonprofit, with families paying tuition for the program. Financial assistance is available for qualifying families to ensure affordability and accessibility.

What facilities or space does AYS require?


We typically use spaces such as cafeterias, gyms, classrooms, or multipurpose rooms. Access to restrooms and outdoor areas like playgrounds is ideal for maximizing program benefits.

What are the qualifications of AYS staff?


Our staff members are highly trained professionals who undergo background checks, CPR/first aid certification, and continuous professional development. They are dedicated to creating a safe and engaging environment for students.

4701 N Keystone Ave
Suite 475
Indianapolis, IN 46205

(317) 283-3817


Office Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm